Thursday, September 23, 2010


This assignment involved recognizing depth and being able to conquer it with our cameras. In capturing depth, we found leading lines which were photos of lone lines from front to back, background/foreground shots which displayed a sense of space in between, and repetition which showed patterns over space.  This was very interesting because it showed 3D images which gives the viewer a sense of space while looking at a 2D image.  I really liked the results.


  1. I really like your picture of the leaf and the door/building in the background. It really captures foreground/background. I also really like how you edited it so that the leaf and building have a purple tint to them while the ground has a blue hint to it. It adds a really great contrast. Maybe to illustrate the point in a clearer manner, make the background not as clear, so that the viewer is really looking at the leaf and not so much the background. Good job!

  2. I really like how you flipped the pictures upside down, it really completes the photo and leaves it with an interesting composition. My absolute favorite is of the cars and trees because you have man made things that go alongside with natural, organic subjects. Your repetition series is really clear, especially the windows on the building. However, the album doesn't really flow together, the order of the photos make it confusing to decipher which is in which section. Also, you could have experimented with people more for the foreground/background photos.

  3. I like the subtle color effects you add to each of your pictures. You played with all sorts of angles and textures. You have good pictures for each category we were sent to capture. I think you did a great job, the only thing i would suggest for next time is a heading for each of the categories. I love the tree trunks with the cars next to them, something about it sticks out to me. I love how you rotated it too.
